滴答清单windows_使用预升级清单免费更新到Windows 10头痛
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Although millions of people have already jumped on the Windows 10 wagon, there are still millions of upgraders waiting in the wings. If you want your upgrade to be as painless as possible read on as we highlight the best practices for upgrading your PC to Windows 10.

尽管已经有数百万人开始使用Windows 10旅行车,但仍有数百万的升级程序正在等待中。 如果您希望升级过程尽可能轻松,请继续阅读,我们将重点介绍将PC升级到Windows 10的最佳做法。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

We can say, without hesitation, that every headache we’ve ever had upgrading a modern computer to a new operating system has been the direct result of our own haste and failure to follow good upgrade practices.


For the most part modern operating systems are largely fool proof. Aside from driver issues here or there, wrangling with old hardware, or other unforeseen problems the vast majority of consumers will enjoy a pretty smooth experience. The biggest problems typically crop up, however, when consumers fail to perform some basic house keeping before they upgrade.

大多数情况下,现代操作系统在很大程度上都是傻瓜式的。 除了这里或那里的驱动程序问题,与旧硬件纠缠不清或其他无法预料的问题外,绝大多数消费者将享受到非常流畅的体验。 但是,当消费者在升级之前无法执行一些基本的家务管理时,通常会出现最大的问题。

Whether you’re excited about Windows 10 or dragging your feet, it’s important to perform some basic steps before the upgrade process to ensure that your files (and sanity) are safe. It’s worth noting that the focus of this article is on what you should do before you upgrade. If you have general questions about Windows 10, be sure to check out our article The Windows 10 FAQ: Everything You Need to Know.

无论您是对Windows 10感到兴奋还是不满意,在升级过程之前执行一些基本步骤以确保您的文件(和文件)安全是很重要的。 值得注意的是,本文的重点是升级之前应该执行的操作。 如果您对Windows 10有一般疑问,请务必查看我们的文章Windows 10常见问题解答:您需要了解的一切。

Let’s take a look at our start-to-finish checklist for a headache free upgrade process.


升级前客房整理 (Pre-Upgrade Housekeeping)

Before you upgrade from your old version of Windows to Windows 10 there are a few best-practice tricks we’d strongly encourage you to do. It’s easy to get burned by an upgrade gone wrong and even little issues like a missing driver can make the process a bigger headache than necessary. Let’s check out those tricks arranged in the order in which we recommend doing them.

从旧版本的Windows升级到Windows 10之前,我们强烈建议您采取一些最佳做法。 升级出错很容易被烧毁,甚至像驱动程序丢失这样的小问题也可能使此过程变得不必要的麻烦。 让我们看看按照建议顺序排列的技巧。

Because we’ve covered these topics extensively at How-To Geek rather than rehash each subject in detail we’ll explain the importance of the step and then direct you to the appropriate (and longer) article for detailed help.

因为我们在How-To Geek上已广泛讨论了这些主题,而不是详细讨论每个主题,所以我们将解释该步骤的重要性,然后将您定向到适当的(和更长的)文章以获取详细的帮助。

运行升级助手 (Run the Upgrade Assistant)

We know, we know, it seems so basic but trust us: before you even consider upgrading to Windows 10 you need to give your hardware a firm assessment. Most people should find upgrading isn’t a problem for their hardware. If you bought a computer in the last couple years it should upgrade to Windows 10 just fine.

我们知道,这似乎很基本,但是请相信我们:在您甚至考虑升级到Windows 10之前,您需要对硬件进行严格的评估。 大多数人应该发现升级不是他们硬件的问题。 如果您在最近几年购买了一台计算机,它应该可以升级到Windows 10。

On the other hand, if Windows 7 is already pushing the limits of your computer’s hardware then not only might it be time for an upgrade it is definitely not time to upgrade to Windows 10. While we’ve installed Windows 10 on some older machines and been pleasantly surprised with the performance, it’s a dicey proposition.

另一方面,如果Windows 7已经达到了计算机硬件的极限,那么不仅是时候进行升级了,绝对不是时候升级到Windows10。尽管我们已经在一些较旧的计算机上安装了Windows 10,对该表演感到惊喜,这是一个简单的建议。

Shortly before the release of Windows 10 in July of 2015, Microsoft started pushing out the “Get Windows 10” app which appears in the Windows task tray and not only facilitates the upgrade to Windows 10 but also advises if the hardware, peripherals, and software will make the leap. If you don’t already have the assistant app in your tray, you likely didn’t get the update (or your have updates turned off). Turn Windows Update on and ensure you have the following updates installed; for Windows 7 (KB3035583 and KB2952664) and for Windows 8.1 (KB3035583 and KB2976978).

在2015年7月发布Windows 10之前不久,Microsoft开始推出出现在Windows任务栏中的“获取Windows 10”应用程序,该应用程序不仅有助于升级到Windows 10,而且还建议是否提供硬件,外围设备和软件将取得飞跃。 如果您的任务栏中没有助手应用程序,则可能没有得到更新(或者您的更新已关闭)。 打开Windows Update并确保您安装了以下更新; Windows 7(KB3035583和KB2952664)和Windows 8.1(KB3035583和KB2976978)。

For most people the Upgrade Assistant will be a pretty mundane experience as millions of machines meet the basic criteria for Windows 10. It is, however, very useful in that it will immediately alert if you don’t meet the minimum requirements and, more importantly, if you have a critical piece of hardware (like a graphics card) that is fundamentally incompatible with Windows 10.

对于大多数人来说,升级助手将是相当平凡的体验,因为数百万台计算机符合Windows 10的基本标准。但是,它非常有用,因为它会在您不满足最低要求时立即发出警报,更重要的是,如果您拥有与Windows 10基本不兼容的关键硬件(例如图形卡)。

删除旧软件并打扫房子 (Remove Old Software and Clean House)

Cleaning your virtual house, as it were, isn’t exactly the most exciting task in the world but it’s a very useful one to perform before upgrading. Before you even contemplate upgrading we highly recommend you do a comprehensive cleanup of your PC as not only will removing the dead weight lead to a smoother running PC but it will free up space for the Windows 10 upgrade to store your old copy of Windows (you can rollback from Windows 10 to your previous version of Windows for up to 30 days after you upgrade and, obviously, the old copy of Windows has to be compressed and stored for that time).

实际上,清理虚拟房屋并不是世界上最令人兴奋的任务,但在升级之前执行此任务非常有用。 在您甚至不打算进行升级之前,我们强烈建议您对PC进行一次全面的清理,因为这不仅可以减轻自重,从而使PC运转更平稳,而且还可以释放Windows 10升级空间来存储Windows的旧副本(可以在升级后长达30天的时间内从Windows 10回滚到以前的Windows版本,并且很明显,必须在这段时间内压缩和存储Windows的旧副本)。

The first stop should be purging files you no longer need as they’re easy enough to locate and purge. A perfect example of a folder that balloons in size over time is your web browser’s /Downloads/ folder. When we took a peek in there before upgrading we were surprised to see how much random crap we had accumulated: Windows and Linux ISO files, huge (but outdated) driver bundles we never deleted, and so on. Truth be told we’d let file clutter pile up to the tune of about 20GB worth of storage in our download directory (a not insignificant amount of space on an SSD drive). We’re sure you’ve got some dusty folders you can dig through too.

第一站应该是清除不再需要的文件,因为它们很容易找到并清除。 Web浏览器的/ Downloads /文件夹是一个随时间变化的文件夹的完美示例。 当我们在升级前浏览一下时,我们惊讶地发现我们累积了多少随机废话:Windows和Linux ISO文件,巨大的(但过时的)驱动程序包我们从未删除,等等。 实话实说,我们会让文件混乱堆积在我们的下载目录中约20GB的存储空间中(SSD驱动器上的空间并不小)。 我们确定您还有一些尘土飞扬的文件夹,您也可以浏览。

After doing a file purge the next step is to do a software purge. Don’t use it? Don’t need it? Delete it. There’s really no good reason to haul a bunch of never-used apps along with you to Windows 10. Get rid of all the junk. Don’t own that HP DeskJet anymore? Uninstall all the HP bloatware that came with it. Haven’t played that game in years but it’s chewing up 10s of GBs of disk space? Uninstall it.

在执行文件清除之后,下一步是进行软件清除。 不使用吗? 不需要吗 删除它。 确实没有充分的理由将许多从未使用过的应用程序与您一起拖到Windows10。摆脱所有垃圾。 不再拥有该HP DeskJet吗? 卸载随附的所有HP bloatware。 多年没有玩过该游戏,但是它占用了10 GB的磁盘空间吗? 卸载它。

Finally, it wouldn’t hurt to run a quality disk cleaner like CCleaner. You can learn more about CCleaner and how to use it effectively in our article .

最后,运行像CCleaner这样的高质量磁盘清洁器也没有什么坏处。 您可以在我们的文章了解有关CCleaner以及如何有效使用它的更多信息。

创建磁盘映像和文件备份 (Create a Disk Image and File Backups)

Before you upgrade you want to create a two-tier backup system. The first tier is a disk image, a virtual snapshot, if you will, of exactly what your computer looked like right before you upgraded it. A disk image will take the entire system disk (including recovery partitions if you wish) and outright copy it bit for bit.

升级之前,您要创建一个两层备份系统。 第一层是磁盘映像,如果有的话,它是虚拟快照,它完全是您升级计算机之前计算机的外观。 磁盘映像将占用整个系统磁盘(如果需要,包括恢复分区),并一点一点地完全复制它。

This way even if everything goes south during the upgrade process, even if you decide 45 days after the upgrade (and 15 days after Windows deleted the roll-back package it saved for you), even if your hard drive itself dies while upgrading, you can just take the disk image and recreate the disk bit-for-bit as if you never even attempted to upgrade to Windows 10. A good disk image is one part time machine, one part undo button.

这样,即使升级过程中一切顺利,即使您决定在升级后45天(以及Windows删除它为您保存的回滚程序包后15天)做出决定,即使您的硬盘驱动器本身在升级过程中死了,您也可以您可以只获取磁盘映像并逐位重新创建磁盘,就好像您从未尝试升级到Windows 10一样。好的磁盘映像是一部兼职机器,一部分是撤消按钮。

To create a disk image all you need a second disk to store the data (like a removable USB HDD) and a free application. You can read all about creating a disk image before upgrading in our article .

要创建磁盘映像,您需要第二个磁盘来存储数据(例如可移动USB HDD)和免费的应用程序。 您可以在我们的文章“ 映像”中阅读有关在升级之前创建磁盘映像的所有信息。

In addition to creating your disk image you want to create a separate set of file backups for your personal files, photos, and so on. Although it is possible, if you use the product we recommend Macrium Reflect, , it’s not the most practical way to go about things. The best practice is to have the disk image as a whole disk backup and then to have an additional backup of your personal files so you can easily restore them.

除了创建磁盘映像之外,您还希望为个人文件,照片等创建单独的文件备份集。 尽管有可能,但是如果您使用我们推荐的产品Macrium Reflect,则 ,但这并不是解决问题的最实用方法。 最佳做法是将磁盘映像作为整个磁盘备份,然后再对您的个人文件进行备份,以便您可以轻松地还原它们。

While there are different ways to accomplish a file backup, the simplest way is to plug in an external USB HDD and just copy over all your personal documents, game save files, photos, and other items you wish to backup. Then if you need to retrieve any files later there is no need for helper applications, unpacking archives, or the like.

尽管有不同的方法来完成文件备份,但是最简单的方法是插入外部USB HDD,然后仅复制所有个人文件,游戏保存文件,照片和其他要备份的项目。 然后,如果您以后需要检索任何文件,则无需帮助程序,解压缩归档文件等。

删除您的防病毒软件 (Remove Your Antivirus Software)

Even if Windows 10 shares some bone structure with Windows 8 it’s still a brand new operating system. While most (if not all) of your personal apps will likely make the journey just fine antivirus and related software is very OS-centric and that version of Avast you’re using on Windows 7 won’t work very well on Windows 10 (and could cause a big headache during the upgrade process).

即使Windows 10与Windows 8共享某些骨骼结构,它仍然是全新的操作系统。 虽然您的大多数(如果不是全部)个人应用程序都可以顺利完成旅程,但是防病毒和相关软件都是以操作系统为中心的,并且您在Windows 7上使用的该版本的Avast在Windows 10上无法很好地运行(并且可能会在升级过程中引起很大的头痛)。

As such the best practice is to go download a new copy of your preferred antivirus software that is compatible with Windows 10, save it to a flash drive, disable and uninstall your current antivirus software, perform the upgrade, and then reinstall the fresh Windows-10-friendly version of the software after the upgrade.

因此,最佳做法是下载与Windows 10兼容的首选防病毒软件的新副本,将其保存到闪存驱动器,禁用并卸载当前的防病毒软件,执行升级,然后重新安装新的Windows-升级后的10个友好版本的软件。

While on the topic of Windows 10 and antivirus software, you may decide you don’t even need third party software as .

在以Windows 10和防病毒软件为主题时,您可能会决定甚至不需要第三方软件,因为 。

检查并记录软件密钥 (Check and Record Software Keys)

Your Windows installation, your copy of Office, and other paid software typically has a user key associated with it. If you need to contact Microsoft or otherwise wrangle with your paid apps, it is very useful to have the software keys on hand.

Windows安装,Office副本和其他付费软件通常都具有与其相关联的用户密钥。 如果您需要与Microsoft联系或以其他方式困扰您的付费应用程序,那么准备好软件密钥非常有用。

To that end we recommend you create a text document with your Windows key as well as other software keys all recorded in it and then not only save that document on a flash drive but print it off so you have a hard copy on hand.


Often times your Windows key is printed on a sticker affixed directly to your machine but if you built your own machine or upgraded your computer after purchase it’s likely you have a new key that isn’t on a physical label. To get record your Windows key properly check out our article . For other applications you should consult the paperwork that came with the purchase (or the emails your received with the product purchase). Alternatively you can use a program like that retrieves software product keys (the free version will locate the keys for around 300 popular products and the paid version extends the search to over 6,500 products).

通常,您的Windows密钥会打印在直接贴在计算机上的标签上,但是如果您在购买后建造了自己的计算机或升级了计算机,则很可能是您的新密钥不在物理标签上。 要正确记录Windows密钥,请查看我们的文章 。 对于其他应用程序,您应该查阅购买随附的文书(或购买产品时收到的电子邮件)。 另外,您可以使用诸如类的程序来检索软件产品密钥(免费版本将找到大约300种流行产品的密钥,付费版本将搜索范围扩展到6,500多种产品)。

提前准备司机 (Prepare Drivers Ahead Of Time)

It used to be that not having the right drivers on hand the minute you installed your OS was an agonizing disaster as you needed those drivers to get the computer up and running. Modern OS installation is a much more polished affair where you can typically get the machine up and running (albeit not in an optimized state) without the drivers on hand.

过去,在您安装操作系统的那一刻,手头上没有合适的驱动程序是一个痛苦的灾难,因为您需要这些驱动程序来启动和运行计算机。 现代操作系统的安装是一件更加精致的事情,您通常可以在没有驱动程序的情况下启动并运行机器(尽管不是处于最佳状态)。

That said, while Windows 10 is great at grabbing the drivers it needs, it is a wise idea to predownload the most current and Windows-10-compatible drivers for the really important stuff on your machine (like the network card or Wi-Fi adapter, your GPU, and any other internal cards or peripherals you want back online and running immediately after upgrading).

就是说,虽然Windows 10可以很好地获取所需的驱动程序,但明智的做法是为计算机上的重要内容(例如网卡或Wi-Fi适配器)预下载最新的和Windows-10兼容的驱动程序,您的GPU以及您要重新联机并在升级后立即运行的任何其他内部卡或外围设备)。

Again, the process is much smoother than ever before and we’ve had very little trouble with Windows 10 not getting right back online and finding all the updated drivers it needs but it takes very little time to grab fresh copies of drivers for major system components, save them to a flash drive, and be extra ready for the upgrade.

同样,此过程比以往任何时候都更加顺利,并且Windows 10无需重新联机并找到所需的所有更新驱动程序,我们就没有遇到什么麻烦,但是花费很少的时间即可获取主要系统组件的驱动程序的新副本。 ,将它们保存到闪存驱动器,并为升级做好准备。

升级后客房整理 (Post-Upgrade Housekeeping)

Once you’ve done the hard work of performing a thorough pre-upgrade checklist there isn’t a whole lot left to do as the upgrade process itself (and the aftermath) is pretty painless. With that in mind there are a few things you’ll want to do after upgrading to Windows 10 beyond simply familiarizing yourself with the new layouts and locations.

一旦完成了一份完整的升级前检查清单的辛苦工作,就没有太多要做了,因为升级过程本身(以及后果)非常轻松。 考虑到这一点,除了简单地熟悉新的布局和位置之外,在升级到Windows 10之后,您还需要做一些事情。

更新Windows和您的驱动程序 (Update Windows And Your Drivers)

Whether you’re working with the drivers you saved to your flash drive or you use Windows Update to automatically find them, before you get too busy playing with your new OS you want to get the dull task of updating your drivers out of the way for the smoothest possible experience.

无论您使用的是保存到闪存驱动器的驱动程序,还是使用Windows Update自动查找它们,在您忙于使用新操作系统之前,您都希望完成繁琐的更新驱动程序任务最流畅的体验。

While you’re at it run Windows Update for the general OS and take a moment to appreciate what an improvement the entire update process is now. Sure updates are mandatory in Windows 10, but unlike older versions of Windows where it was like “Save all your stuff! We’re rebooting NOW!” you can actually schedule the restarts to fit your day and workflow. Seriously, it’s magic. You can read more about scheduling your updates here: .

在运行时,为常规操作系统运行Windows Update,花一点时间欣赏一下整个更新过程现在有什么改进。 确保更新在Windows 10中是必需的,但与Windows的旧版本不同,就像“保存所有内容! 我们现在正在重启!” 您实际上可以安排重新启动以适合您的一天和工作流程。 说真的,这很神奇。 您可以在此处阅读有关计划更新的更多信息: 。

查看新功能 (Check Out The New Features)

If you’re coming from Windows 7 to Windows 10, you’re experiencing a pretty significant leap in how things are arranged in Windows. We’d very strongly recommend checking out our article to help orient yourself.

如果您是从Windows 7过渡到Windows 10,则Windows的事物安排方式正在经历相当大的飞跃。 我们强烈建议您阅读我们的文章, 以帮助您调整自己的方向。

While you’re at it, whether you’re coming from Windows 7 or not, you should also check out our article and, if you’re not a big fan of the new Start Menu, .

无论您是否使用Windows 7,都应该查看我们的文章 ;如果您不喜欢新的“开始”菜单,请

Like most things in life, a little prep work and prevention is the best way to ward off a future headache. Follow along with our best-practice checklist and your upgrade to Windows 10 will be smooth sailing through and through.

像生活中的大多数事情一样,做好一些准备工作和预防是避免将来头疼的最佳方法。 遵循我们的最佳实践清单,您到Windows 10的升级将一目了然。




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